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Healthy Set 1 for 2pax
DINE IN ONLY 只能堂食食补养生套餐一
两位用 原价
$68.00++NOW $48.00+ (For 2 Pax)
双拼(芋香卷/凉拌黄瓜黑木耳) Two Combinations (Fried Yan Rolls/Marinated Black Fungus & Cucumber) 海南羊肉汤 Hai Nan Style Mutton Soup 香茅黑椒鸡扒 Chicken Glazed in Lemongrass & Pepper Sauce 金汁黑豆腐 Black Bean Curd in Carrot Sauce 鲜菇枸杞菠菜 Stir-Fried Spinach w/Mushroom & Chinese Wolfberry 白饭 Steamed Rice 红豆糯米糕 Red Bean Glutinous Rice Cake 赠:两杯清肺饮 Complimentary 2 Cups of Menthol Herbal TeaAll prices quoted are subjected to GST.
Healthy Set 2 for 2pax
DINE IN ONLY 只能堂食食补养生套餐二
两位用 原价
$68.00++NOW $48.00+ (For 2 Pax)
双拼(芋香卷/凉拌黄瓜黑木耳) Two Combinations (Fried Yan Rolls/Marinated Black Fungus & Cucumber) 贵妃养颜乌鸡汤 "Gui Fei" Black Chicken Tonic Soup 蒜子黑椒牛肉 Black Pepper Beef w/ Garlic 金汁黑豆腐 Black Bean Curd in Carrot Sauce 鲜菇枸杞菠菜 Stir-Fried Spinach w/Mushroom & Chinese Wolfberry 白饭 Steamed Rice 红豆糯米糕 Red Bean Glutinous Rice Cake 赠:两杯清肺饮 Complimentary 2 Cups of Menthol Herbal TeaAll prices quoted are subjected to GST.