
Thinking of a way to detoxify and regain your body weight before festivities? Imperial Restaurant (Imperial Herbal) offers customers a new dining concept they have probably never experienced before in Singapore. Their specialties include blending herbs with medical benefits into gourmet dishes through the culinary expertise of master chefs to create healthy dishes. Imperial Restaurant goes the extra mile by providing an in-house physician dispensing health diagnosis to customers – a first in the market.
Unlike other typical Chinese restaurants, Imperial Restaurant is beautifully decorated with good quality paintings and wood carvings to exude a classy ambience for any occasion. For business meetings, there arc spacious VIP rooms to dine in private. To attract the younger generation, colourful and cosy sofas are among the first things customers see when they enter the restaurant. The beautiful scenic view is also good in soothing the strung-up emotions of busy working adults.

Even if the flu season is here there is no fear: the restaurant’s Ling Zhi Soup is a simple yet healthy dish to battle the bugs with. Although the soup tasted a bit bitter, the overwhelming aroma masked it all.
Ling Zhi also has natural healing properties and relaxes the eyes muscles.
Boxthon Vegetables is another healthy choice for maintaining good eyesight and avoiding rheumatism.
Heads up for the ladies! To maintain skin smoothness and improve its elasticity, the “Fu Rong” Fluffy Egg White with Dried ScalIop is highly recommended. It is one of the restaurant’s signature dishes. The mixture of egg white, fine chopped ladybell root and minced scallops caved in shredded fried potato cove is an absolute visual delight, The tiny chopped Iadybell root accentuates the sweetness in each bite.
Another recommendation for skin goodness will be the Bruised Crocodile Tail. Rich in Omega-3 the dish came across as soft and juicy.
Quick Fried EeIs is a dish specially recommended by the in-house physician. Eel aids in strengthening the immune system and dehumidifies the body. They are also believed to be good for the blood and kidneys, Eels are a favourite dish in the Huai-an region of Jiangsu Province, mainland China and is a definite must try here.
If you are daring, try the Fried Ants ,and Fried Scorpion. The fried crawlers come in small portions nicely presented on dough. Creepy as they are, these insects have high medicinal value and are precious in traditional Chinese medicine. Scorpions are rich in protein and it can relieve headaches while ants, on the other hand, can ward off chronic diseases and other immunity disorders.
A Chinese meal is not complete without a cup of hot tea. Tea is popular because of its antioxidant and therapeutic properties. It lowers blood pressure, protects the heart, helps to prevent obesity, prevents tooth decay and boosts immunity, among others. The Seven Leaves Chinese Tea and Menthol Herbal Tea are definite must-tries.
The Seven Leaves Chinese Tea is a special sweet tea which can enhance the quality of sleep and help in losing weight. Regular consumption of the tea also lowers the risk of heart attack.
The Menthol Herbal Tea is effective in tackling sore throat and blocked nose. Many foreign singers have travelled to this restaurant just to have this exceptional beverage.
Other than herbal cuisine, Imperial Herbal Restaurant also delights you with other healthy Chinese dishes at a reasonable price. With the best of Chinese cuisine lingering in your memory and body, you will leave this restaurant with a slight yearning.
MAR | APR 2012

早在两千多年前, 西周时代的宫廷里就开始有了专门掌理调配天子日常饮食的 “食医”。食医的工作就是根据帝王每天的身体状况, 随时调配膳食,以珍禽异兽,鲜果时蔬同各种滋补的药物,一起烹制成美味佳肴,供帝王食用。
元代最著名的医学家朱震亨说: “与其救治于有病之后,不若摄养于无疾之先”。虽然我们中的绝大多数都不能成为帝王,不过我想,如果真能有一个专门的“食医”根据我们的年龄大小,饮食方式,身体状况,睡眠情形等的变化,以食为补,为我们调理饮食,让我们在充分享受美味食物的同时,还能预防疾病,保养身体和容颜,该有多好!
来到vivo city三楼的宏仁堂,我穿过看似古雅,却又佻皮的大厅,到达御膳厅驻店的“食医” ——胡神发医师面前。胡神发是注册中医师,拥有丰富的中医学知识。经过一番望闻问切,胡医师点出我体质的不足之处,“指定”了几道适合我体质的菜肴。好,就让我来亲身一试这“量身定制”的味之道!
玉参芙蓉干贝,花一样漂亮的名字。“玉参” 指的是滋润生津的玉竹及沙参,不过,端上来一看,云朵一样洁白的蛋白放在鸟巢般趣致可爱的“容器” 中,根本看不到药材的踪迹。原来,药材早已熬成汁液调入新鲜蛋白中。之后,蛋白被搅成极细的泡沫炊熟,口感细而嫩,嫩而滑。因为只取蛋白入菜,不但充分补充了人体所需的蛋白质,又不用为蛋黄中烦人的胆固醇担忧,吃起来放心得很呢。
底部的鸟巢状“容器” 是马铃薯做的。刀功了得的师傅将马铃薯切成极细的丝,经过油炸而成。切下一块尝,满口生香,和清淡可口的蛋白相比,又是另一番口感,很是讨好。
这道玉参芙蓉干贝是宏仁堂开业近二十年来始终长红的“冠军菜肴” 之一,看起来清爽宜人,吃起来润肺养颜,再告诉你一个秘密,它也是前总统王鼎昌夫妇最喜欢的菜肴!
不要以为“养颜” 一定是女人的专属,其实男人也可以喝它保养一下自己。粗犷的男子汉形象已经不受落,电视中皮光肉滑的男明星,受女粉丝爱戴得紧呢。
菜一上桌,浓浓的糟香扑鼻而来。富含omega 3的深海鳕鱼洁白如雪,在金黄鲜亮的糟汁及黑黝黝的木耳的烘托下,如肤若凝脂的美人,一亮相,就吸引了我的目光。
摘自“味之道”杂志 (Vol. 12)